Thursday, February 12, 2009

Want to Make Lots of Cash So You Can Get Back to Your Video Game?

If you answered yes, you're not alone. After all, there are lots of us who'd like to use our computer skills to make some real money without spending hours and hours on fruitless tasks that just don't pay. Sorting the good jobs from the bad can be a real trick, and finding the right one for you can be tricky.

However, that doesn't mean you can't find options that'll help you do it! You can spend only a few hours per day setting up and maintaining your money making system and spend the rest of the time doing what you love. If you're a gamer, that means playing your favorite games! You just need to find the right method for you.

People from all demographics play games, from kids to working adults to older gamers, too. Nineteen percent of people over the age of fifty play video games, for instance. What does that mean? This opportunity can work for anyone. It's not just for kids who have the time to throw hours and hours into a chance for cash. It's for anyone with some common sense and the desire to make plenty of money.

If you keep finding your bank account near the bottom by the month's end, are racking up credit card or other debt, or just want to take control of your finances, this is the answer. You can provide the life you want for yourself and your household. All you have to do is take control by choosing a work at home opportunity that really works for you.

Some people say they've earned more than a thousand dollars in their first week, using these types of opportunities, and it started on the first day. If the system is put together right and you use your head, there's no limit to the success you could experience.

Think about what you don't want. If you could, you'd probably give up your boss, who orders you around, the time clock that tells you where to be when, early morning wake ups, long commutes, and too much time away from home. You'd also probably like to cut your expenses, avoid too much training, and stop wasting your life working for other people. After all, life is short - why not work for as short a period as you can, and enjoy yourself the rest of the time.

The right income opportunity can help you do that. If you're sick of being told what to do and you want to control your day, from the work you do to the amount of time you have to play games, you need to look into opportunities for working from home. The possibilities are incredible, and it doesn't take a lot to profit from them. Just use your common sense and take a good look at all the options available to you.

There are plenty of great chances out there to turn your world around. You don't have to be a slave to the average job. Instead, check out some of the options you could be using to make the job you've always wanted - one that you do as you want to, that offers the possibility of great pay, and doesn't take up too much of your time!

Authors : Xandrian Blake

Making Money Online: Female Internet Marketers Increase

There has been a dramatic shift in the internet marketing world that means there are more women in internet marketing than ever. What was once a predominantly male field is now mixed with men and women and more females than ever are seeking their own online incomes for various reasons. More women than ever are not just delving into internet marketing but they’re succeeding in online business. Another trend is emerging and that is that quite a few successful online business women are teaching others how to do the same with high quality products such as:

• WhatDoISell – Lisa Suttora
• ClickNewz – Lynn Terry
• Auction Genius Course – Sydney Johnson
• Team Loxly – Deborah Carney
• Educating For Success – Rhea Perry
• Super Affiliate Handbook – Rosalind Gardner

Online Careers for Ladies

Being a woman looking for online earning possibilities doesn’t mean you need to look for a virtual assistant job. You can work online full time or part-time and focus on several areas or delve into your own online business. You can launch your own product, do affiliate marketing on your own website, open your own online store or do something else entirely. There are great online income streams that can allow you to work part-time so you’re saving on daycare fees or having a flexible schedule or opportunities exist that will mean you can afford great daycare, a virtual assistant of your own as well as a housekeeper.

Some female internet marketers are former business people. Some are stay at home moms, some are copywriters turned professional IM’ers, some are technical people who have blended their technical skills with sales skills. Today’s internet marketers are college students, stay at home mothers, professional women, professional men, stay at home dads and retired women and men.

Not only are stay at home Moms choosing to dabble in making money on the internet but other female entrepreneurs who delve into this world are as well who have (or had) high profile professional careers. Internet marketing is not just a man’s world. There is a lot of information out there and a lot of dollar signs at times so it can be difficult to decide on a single program on your own and it can be difficult to determine which type of program is worth investing time and / or effort into.

If you want to know about high quality online money making opportunities there are a lot of resources available to help you decide on the right type of opportunity as well as decide which program to work in. Read product reviews and do some research about various available opportunities.

Whether you’re a woman wanting to get into making money on the internet or a man who just wants to get involved with a profitable product or business model, there are a lot of female marketers that can be your mentor, teach you how to sell online or sell you products that you can use to create your own online business.

Certain fields of expertise used to be dominated by one gender and have shifted to being a very unisex field and internet marketing is one such example.

Authors : Matthew Bredel

The Entrepreneur's 8 Tips To Making It Big

very entrepreneur dreams of making it big! Here are 8 keys to making it happen.

1. Don’t Do It if You Don’t Love it. You’re only going to succeed if you love what you’re doing. Your love for your business is what keeps you going even when things look bleak or, worse yet, boring. Your passion it what gets you out of bed everyday to face what it sometimes thankless work. If you don’t really love what you’re doing then you’re not going to see it through to the finish. Never make money your primary goal. Your primary goal should be to have fun doing what you love.

2. Be Relentless. Persistence is often the only difference between wild success and abysmal failure. If you’re challenged, stand up to the challenge, whether it’s another person or a business setback. If you back down, you’re going to lose respect for yourself and doubt your ability to make your business succeed. If you truly believe in what you’re doing, then stand up to whatever tries to get in your way.

3. Negotiate. Aim high and settle if necessary. Taking less than you wanted isn’t always a bad thing.

4. Dream Big Dreams. What is it that you want most? Imagine what your business would look like if you had everything you could possibly ask for and then do everything in your power to make that vision a reality. We are almost always limited most profoundly by our own fear of success. Don’t be afraid to make decisions that lead to success, and don’t be afraid to win. The challenges will still be there when you get to the top, so don’t be afraid to succeed for fear that you will no longer be challenged.

5. Dare to Be Different. You’ll probably find that, whatever your business idea is, someone else though of it first. So set yourself apart from the competition. Do things people don’t expect you to do. Be unconventional. Try something new just for the sake of trying something new, whether it’s redesigning your product or papering your walls with inspirational quotes. If you surround yourself with the unconventional, you are more likely to think unconventionally. And in the business world, that’s a good thing.

6. Shameless Self-Promotion. Take some time to examine your strengths and the strengths of your business. Now, what can you do to let other people know about your strengths? How can you go about calling attention to the great things about your business that will compel people to seek out your products or services? Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself. If you don’t, chances are nobody will!

7. Trust Your Instincts. Be an extrovert. Ask everyone you know what they think about your business idea. When you feel like you have enough input, spend some time listening to your inner voice, the one that tells you if this is going to be a great idea or a bust. And then heed that voice, no matter how others might question your judgment or criticize your decision. Your gut is almost always right.

8. Be Great at What You Do. You’re never going to be successful unless you endeavor every day to be great at what you do. Being great is a choice you make, not something that just happens to you because you were in the right place at the right time. So choose greatness, intentionally and consciously, every day. And you will be great.

Success is a result of being proactive, of pursuing your dreams, of taking little steps every day that bring your goals to fruition. If you take the advice outlined above, you will see your business grow, and you will see yourself evolve into a great businessperson. Never be afraid of success. Make success the only thing you’ll settle for.

Authors : Seomul Evans

Using Social Media As An HR Tool

If you’re a business owner, have you considered the myriad of ways that social networking sites can help you in your hiring decisions? Given the number of individuals using social networks like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, it’s almost foolish not to do a little digging on such sites when you’re looking for prospective employees. In the past, many employers have entered prospective employees’ names into search engines, but social networking sites are a whole different ballgame. They encourage users to post personal information and have broken down the barrier between what is kept private and what is shared with everyone.

CareerBuilder recently released survey results showing that 22% of the respondents check social networking sites when considering adding a prospective employee to the candidate pool. And almost one-third said that information they had found on social networking sites caused them to release employees from the pool of candidates. Respondents said that information most likely to influence them included alcohol and drug use, poor communication skills, negative information about coworkers and employers, and inappropriate photographs.

Twitter, the newest of the highly-popular social networking tools, also offers employers a way to obtain information about employees. Twitter displays the time and date of each post, giving employers invaluable information when they read that Employee X is “sneaking away for an hour” while he’s supposed to be working on a project. Can you imagine how it will affect your hiring practices to know what your prospective employee has tweeted in the days and hours before her interview?

Social networking sites can play a huge part in your hiring practices. But what if you’re the one looking for the job? Keep these 5 rules in mind:

1. Be Picky About Your Friends. No matter how clean you keep your comments and your profile, you may have friends who post those photos from last weekend when you couldn’t even stand up straight. If you have friends whose discretion leaves much to be desired, at least request that they not provide compromising content about you.

2. Be as Professional as Possible. It’s fine to chit-chat with friends on your profile as long as you keep it to a minimum and as long as your banter is innocuous. Be careful about everything you post.

3. Ponder the Details. Part of the fun of social networking sites is adding interesting applications and updating your status. But think about how a person who hardly knows you will interpret your applications and updates. If it’s at all questionable, leave it off of your profile.

4. Use Your Time Wisely. If the social networking site you’re using has a time stamp, current and potential employers can quickly see how long you’re spending online. So minimize that time.

5. Check Regularly. You don’t need to check your accounts every five minutes, but be aware of what’s going on as much as possible. If a “friend” posts something embarrassing and you don’t notice it until three days later, a potential employer might have already seen it and made a decision based upon it. Likewise, if you have older accounts that haven’t been updated in awhile, delete them or update them. Potential employers should have the most up-to-date information possible.

Social networks are a great tool for getting “insider” information on potential employees, that information that you always wish you’d known before you made a hire. Don’t hesitate to use it to your advantage and weed out candidates before you have a chance to waste your time interviewing them. And if you’re really excited about positive information you find on a candidate’s profile, use that to guide conversations once you actually have the chance to talk to them. Social networking is an invaluable tool, so use it

Authors : Seomul Evans