Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Entrepreneur's 8 Tips To Making It Big

very entrepreneur dreams of making it big! Here are 8 keys to making it happen.

1. Don’t Do It if You Don’t Love it. You’re only going to succeed if you love what you’re doing. Your love for your business is what keeps you going even when things look bleak or, worse yet, boring. Your passion it what gets you out of bed everyday to face what it sometimes thankless work. If you don’t really love what you’re doing then you’re not going to see it through to the finish. Never make money your primary goal. Your primary goal should be to have fun doing what you love.

2. Be Relentless. Persistence is often the only difference between wild success and abysmal failure. If you’re challenged, stand up to the challenge, whether it’s another person or a business setback. If you back down, you’re going to lose respect for yourself and doubt your ability to make your business succeed. If you truly believe in what you’re doing, then stand up to whatever tries to get in your way.

3. Negotiate. Aim high and settle if necessary. Taking less than you wanted isn’t always a bad thing.

4. Dream Big Dreams. What is it that you want most? Imagine what your business would look like if you had everything you could possibly ask for and then do everything in your power to make that vision a reality. We are almost always limited most profoundly by our own fear of success. Don’t be afraid to make decisions that lead to success, and don’t be afraid to win. The challenges will still be there when you get to the top, so don’t be afraid to succeed for fear that you will no longer be challenged.

5. Dare to Be Different. You’ll probably find that, whatever your business idea is, someone else though of it first. So set yourself apart from the competition. Do things people don’t expect you to do. Be unconventional. Try something new just for the sake of trying something new, whether it’s redesigning your product or papering your walls with inspirational quotes. If you surround yourself with the unconventional, you are more likely to think unconventionally. And in the business world, that’s a good thing.

6. Shameless Self-Promotion. Take some time to examine your strengths and the strengths of your business. Now, what can you do to let other people know about your strengths? How can you go about calling attention to the great things about your business that will compel people to seek out your products or services? Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself. If you don’t, chances are nobody will!

7. Trust Your Instincts. Be an extrovert. Ask everyone you know what they think about your business idea. When you feel like you have enough input, spend some time listening to your inner voice, the one that tells you if this is going to be a great idea or a bust. And then heed that voice, no matter how others might question your judgment or criticize your decision. Your gut is almost always right.

8. Be Great at What You Do. You’re never going to be successful unless you endeavor every day to be great at what you do. Being great is a choice you make, not something that just happens to you because you were in the right place at the right time. So choose greatness, intentionally and consciously, every day. And you will be great.

Success is a result of being proactive, of pursuing your dreams, of taking little steps every day that bring your goals to fruition. If you take the advice outlined above, you will see your business grow, and you will see yourself evolve into a great businessperson. Never be afraid of success. Make success the only thing you’ll settle for.

Authors : Seomul Evans

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